Institutional Investor Database

Institutional Investor Database

Investor Source

A worldwide institutional investor database provided for CTAs and Hedge Funds seeking to raise capital. We have one of the largest and most comprehensive proprietary institutional investor databases available. Leverage our vast data resources to enhance capital introduction capabilities. We are continually expanding and updating our investor database targeting motivated institutional investors looking to invest in alternative investments. We help our select clientele from around the world increase assets by providing targeted and qualified funding sources for marketing purposes. Take advantage of our global reach and expertise to increase exposure and visibility.

A vitally important and essential component of our Capital Introduction platform is the proprietary institutional investor database. It is truly the lifeblood of our investor source.

- Advisors – US and Non US
- Family Offices
- High Net Worth Investors
- Private Banks
- Fund of Funds – US and Non US
- Consultants
- Unions
- Foundations
- Corporations
- Governments
- Tax Exempt
- Healthcare    
- Foreign Institutions
- Endowments
- Insurance Companies
- Pension Funds
- Family Office Advisors
- IPI Family Office Consultants
- GAIM 2006 FoF
- Investment Advisors
- Prime Brokers
- Swiss Cap Grp
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